
Optimize Smart Bidding and PMax Campaigns

Optimize Target CPA, Optimize Target ROAS, Budgets, Audiences, Signals, and more.

Smart Bidding and PMax Optimization Features

Optimize Target ROAS

Get the most out of Target ROAS (TROAS) campaigns by setting the right target ROAS goals. Get relevant traffic by optimizing audiences, signals, negative keywords, placements, and targets. For Shopping and Retail campaigns, build campaigns based on Return on ad spend (ROAS) and performance of individual products.

Optimize Target CPA

Get the most out of Target CPA (TCPA) campaigns by setting the right target CPA goals. Drive relevant traffic by optimizing audiences, signals, negative keywords, placements, and targets. For lead gen campaigns, send the right conversion signal to Google Ads to optimize for better leads.

PMax Campaign Optimization

Fine tune Performance Max (PMax) campaigns by optimizing audience signals, assets, account level negative keywords, placements, and budgets. For Shopping and Retail PMax campaigns, build separate campaigns that are based on ROAS or price of individual products and keep them up to date automatically.

PMax Campaign performance by channel

Get visibility into how different channels are performing within your Performance Max campaign. See the traffic breakup on Search, Display, Shopping, and Video for your PMax campaigns.

Budget Optimization

Track budgets for smart bidding and Performance Max campaigns. Get alerts when budgets are exceeded. Automatically pause and re-enable campaigns based on budget targets. Get smart AI-based projections for ad spend. See how much you are likely to spend by the end of the month or quarter. Reallocate budgets across campaigns easily based on performance.

Monitoring and Alerts

Track performance of key metrics and get alerts when they are not performing well. Get alerts when budgets are underspending or exceeding. Supported across multiple accounts and platforms. Get alerts over email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams.

Custom Optimizations

Go beyond Automated Rules in Google Ads. Use our Rule Engine to build custom optimization strategies and monitoring rules. Use our library of pre-built strategies for campaigns, keywords, placements, search queries, and more. Use advanced strategies that include custom conversion data or business data from your CRM system like Hubspot, Salesforce, Google Spreadsheets, and other data sources.

Bid to profit

Take your PPC campaigns to the next level and get ahead of your competition by using profit margins instead of gross revenue to set bidding strategy targets. Use the rule engine to bring in your profit margin data from your CRM or Google Sheets and use it to set your bidding strategy targets.

Take back control of your PPC destiny.

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Optmyzr Smart Bidding and PMax Optimization FAQs

What bidding strategies are supported?

I use both manual and automated bidding. Can I use Optmyzr?

What is the difference between manual and automated bidding?

Do I save time using Optmyzr?

Do I need to install a tracking code on the website to use Optmyzr?

Is it easy to get started?

Is Optmyzr suited for new or experienced advertisers?

Can Optmyzr work with Performance Max or PMax Campaigns?