
Optmyzr Blog

Optmyzr Update Log – September 2021

Sep 07, 2021

Aayushi Bhandari

Product Manager



Here’s a roundup of all the key changes made in Optmyzr and Campaign Automator during August 2021.

Introducing the Optmyzr Roadmap Page

Optmyzr now has our own Roadmap page where you can:

  • View our product roadmap
  • Make feature requests
  • View other people’s requests
  • Vote and comment on items

Go there now!

Introducing the Segment Explorer

Dig deeper into Analytics data with the Segment Explorer, our latest tool that lets you view performance metrics for all your connected Google Analytics accounts for multiple dimensions combined at once.

Google Analytics makes it difficult to view performance data for multiple audience segments at a time – like sessions from the US or male users via mobile.

Segment Explorer allows you to add different audience segments to your view data in a straightforward way.

Please note that not all combinations of segments (dimensions) are allowed through the API. Selecting an invalid combination will display an error message.

New in the Rule Engine

SA360 conversion data now supported in the Rule Engine

Search Ads 360 actions and transactions are available in the Rule Engine for linked Google Ads accounts. Use this to gain extra insight from SA360 actions/transactions to make informed decisions. Learn More

Find text anywhere in ads with the Rule Engine

We added the ‘Any headline/description/path’ to Rule Engine strategies for ads.

You can now easily search for specific text anywhere in your ad instead of creating separate conditions for headline, description or path. This new attribute looks for your selected text in all components at once.

New in PPC Investigator

Easily compare to same period of previous month in Optmyzr

Reporting widgets and PPC Investigator now support the “same period previous month” option to compare data sets.

If you now wish to compare performance data from August 1-6 with data from July 1-6, simply select this option instead of a custom date range.

New for Optimizing Ads

Filter by ad count when you use A/B Testing

You can now filter by ad count in the A/B Testing for Ads tool. View only those ad groups with fewer/more than a specific number of ads, or apply a range.

You no longer need to struggle to identify single keyword ad groups, or ones with a certain number of ads in them.

Find and label ads with low CTR

We added a new pre-built strategy in the Rule Engine to help you find ads that have a click-through rate lower than the ad group average.

Go to Rule Engine > Optimize Ads > Find Ads with Low CTR to identify and label these ads.

New for Optimizing Keywords

Pause keywords with low QS in Google Ads

A new Rule Engine strategy is available: Monitor Quality Score Components for Keywords.

This strategy suggests keywords with a low QS (<3) and/or low-ranked QS components, allowing you to pause them with a click. You can also add labels to these keywords to analyze and resolve issues.

See keywords on automated bidding that aren’t making the first page

The First Page Bridger now shows you keywords on automated bidding that aren’t making it to the first page. While you still can’t adjust bids for these keywords, you can use the information to make other decisions.

And because the list of keywords opens up in the Rule Engine, you can automate this check to occur as often as you need it to.

New for Optimizing Budgets

Impression Share metrics added for multi-platform budgets

Four new Impression Share metrics have been added to the Optimize Budgets Across Platforms tool:

  • Search IS lost (budget)
  • Search IS lost (rank)
  • Display IS lost (budget)
  • Display IS lost (rank)

See impression share lost due to rank when optimizing budgets

Recent IS Loss (Rank) has been added to the Optimize Budget tool, along with Recent IS Loss (Budget). View both and make informed decisions when optimizing your Google Ads budget.

More control to limit multi-platform overspending

Optimize Budgets Across Platforms now pauses the campaigns of a budget group if their shared monthly target is reached, and re-enables them on the 1st of the next month.

New for Managing Workflows

Contextual help to improve your PPC Audit grade

We’ve added additional contextual help to each widgets section when you review your PPC Audit report.

You’ll see a brief explanation of why we recommend certain fixes, additional context from Google Ads, and tips on which tool in Optmyzr can help you improve your audit grade.

Send audit reports in a click

There’s now a faster way to share reports from the PPC Audits tool. Just use the new ‘send email’ button without needing to schedule delivery.

New for Microsoft Ads

Changes to Broad Match Modifier support for Microsoft Ads

The addition of keywords using the Broad Match Modifier match type is longer supported for Microsoft Ads in the Keyword Lasso and Optmyzr Express tools.

Existing BMM keywords will continue to serve under the new Phrase Match behavior.

New in Campaign Automator

Bulk edits for Campaign Automator

You can now make the following bulk edits in Campaign Automator:

  1. Replace a column header. If the column name in your source file has changed, use this option to change it in your CA template as well.
  2. Replace text. IMPORTANT – this feature is case-sensitive and replaces any occurrence of the text, irrespective of spacing.

Replace “shoes” with “sneakers” will result in:

  • Buy shoes at the lowest price → Buy sneakers at the lowest price
  • Buy blackshoes now → Buy blacksneakers now
  • Buy running Shoes → no change

Apply campaign & ad group labels

You can now add static labels like ‘Test 1’ or ‘Optmyzr’, or use dynamic insertion to create labels like {Brand} or {Category}. Each variation will be added to the applicable entities.

Create Responsive Display Ads

Campaign Automator now supports the creation of Responsive Display Ads.